Ludzie nie są tacy sami po locie z nami!

Czy jesteś gotowy, aby dodać odrobinę adrenaliny do swojego wakacyjnego koktajlu?

Zaraz zabierzemy Cię na przejażdżkę życia w spektakularnym regionie Zell am See-Kaprun, gdzie każdy zakręt odsłania nowy, zapierający dech w piersiach widok, który pozostawi Cię bez słów i z bijącym sercem!

Nasi przyjaźni, profesjonalni i doświadczeni piloci odbiorą Cię i zabiorą na niezapomnianą przygodę.

  • Tandem paragliding Zell am See
  • Tandem paragliding Zell am See
  • Tandem paragliding Zell am See


CLASSIC - 159€ *

  • Czas lotu: 15-30min
  • Różnica wysokości 1200m

Experience the ultimate thrill above Schmittenhohe in Zell am See!
Our classic tandem paragliding flight offers a heart-racing 1200-meter height difference and 15-20 minutes of pure exhilaration.

"Classic Flight" is a favorite for first-time flyers. It offers an unforgettable introduction to paragliding, blending excitement with tranquility.
Your journey starts at the launch point, filled with anticipation. You'll soar 1200 meters into the sky, embraced by the gentle wind.
As you glide, the stunning beauty of Zell am See unfolds below—lush valleys, blue lakes, and majestic peaks. Feel the rush of adrenaline and a sense of freedom.
The flight lasts 15-20 minutes, giving you plenty of time to enjoy the serene skies and breathtaking views.
Whether you're new to flying or an experienced adventurer, our classic tandem paragliding experience offers a perfect mix of thrills and peace, creating joyful memories you'll treasure forever.


  • Czas lotu: 30-40min
  • Różnica wysokości 1300 - 1700m (w zależności od warunków pogodowych)

Elevate your adventure with our "Classic Plus" tandem paragliding flight! Enjoy double the flight time for only €50 more!
Soar higher, explore longer, and uncover breathtaking landscapes. Discover the difference and prepare for an unforgettable journey!

Get ready for an extended journey of awe and wonder above Schmittenhohe in Zell am See, where every moment is a discovery and every turn reveals new, jaw-dropping views! Lasting 30-40 minutes and reaching heights of 1300-1700 meters or more (depending on weather), this flight takes exploration to the next level.
The "Classic Plus" offers an immersive experience that goes beyond the ordinary. Soar through the skies and witness Austria's highest peaks, the serene beauty of Lake Zell, and the icy allure of glaciers. Each moment brings new, breathtaking vistas that will leave you amazed.
Why settle for the ordinary when you can embrace the extraordinary? Join us on the "Classic Plus" tandem paragliding flight and unlock a world of endless possibilities in the skies above Zell am See!

PREMIUM - 259€ *

  • Czas lotu: 45-60min
  • Różnica wysokości 1400 - 1800m (w zależności od warunków pogodowych)

An extraordinary journey above the Zell am See-Kaprun region that promises an unparalleled aerial adventure!
With over 1400 meters of height difference, our Premium Flight offers a complete exploration of Zell am See and Kaprun from a real Eagle-eye view!

"This extended experience allows ample time to soak in the stunning scenery and create lasting memories high above the Austrian Alps.
From the iconic Kitzsteinhorn glacier to the tranquil shores of Lake Zell, every turn offers a new perspective and an opportunity for awe-inspiring discovery.
Premium Tandem Paragliding Flight is guaranteed to exceed your expectations!

IMPORTANT! In the event that weather conditions do not permit the Premium Flight, passengers will be accommodated with either a Classic PLUS or Classic Flight, ensuring that you do not overpay if the weather is not suitable.

*Bilet na wyciąg nie jest wliczony w cenę!



Przedstawiamy nasz "Action package" – adrenalinową ekstrawagancję, która przenosi Twoje doświadczenie paralotniarstwa na wyższy poziom! Za jedyne 10 € dodatkowo zanurz się w świat dynamicznych manewrów, ekscytujących sił G i zapierającej dech w piersiach prędkości.

Poczuj dreszcz emocji, gdy Twój doświadczony pilot wykonuje serię ekscytujących manewrów, od ostrych zakrętów po ekscytujące przyspieszenia. Przy każdym zwrocie i zakręcie zostaniesz wciągnięty w wir ekscytacji i czystej radości.

To nie tylko adrenalina – to fontanna szczęścia dla pasażerów szukających niezapomnianych wrażeń.

Dlaczego więc czekać? Ulepsz swój lot i przygotuj się na niesamowite emocje z naszym "Ation package"!


Nie zachowuj tylko wspomnień – uwiecznij swoją przygodę!

Zdjęcia i filmy to najlepszy sposób na uchwycenie i przeżycie na nowo każdego ekscytującego momentu Twojej przygody z paralotniarstwem!

Masz pełną kontrolę – przed podjęciem decyzji klienci mogą przejrzeć zdjęcia i filmy, aby upewnić się, że uchwyciły one każdy ważny moment.

Gdy będą zadowoleni, media zostaną szybko przeniesione na ich telefon w pełnej jakości, gotowe do udostępnienia znajomym i rodzinie.

bony upominkowe

Zaskocz swoich bliskich!
Nasze bony upominkowe oferują możliwość wyboru czasu lotu i mogą być wysłane pocztą lub e-mailem w formacie gotowym do druku.

Kup swój bon już dziś – napisz do nas e-mail ze swoją prośbą!

Co mówią nasi klienci

Co nas wyróżnia?


What is allowed and what is forbidden during the flight?

While up in the air, unleash your inner cheerleader!

Smile, shout, scream - let those positive vibes fly!

But remember, frowns, grumps, and grumbles are strictly grounded. Let's keep it friendly up there! :)

Can children also fly?

If the kiddos are up for it and don't mind hanging out with a new buddy for 30-40 minutes, they're cleared for takeoff!

Are there weight limitations?

Paragliding welcomes individuals weighing between 20 and 115 kilograms, as long as they're able to run a few steps for takeoff!

What should I wear?

Dress to impress (and for comfort!) for your paragliding adventure. Long trousers, sporty shoes, and a breezy jacket are the way to go, with sunglasses for that extra flair.

And don't worry, folks, we're not heading to the moon, so leave those winter clothes at home during the summer!

In the winter, just grab your regular ski gear and you're good to go! (No ski boots please!)

How can I pay?

We're flexible with payment methods - cash or card, whichever floats your paragliding boat!

Is the cable car ticket included in the price?

Well, cable car company is like a box of chocolates - their prices vary for adults, teenagers, and kids, but hey, there might be some sweet discounts or even a free cable car ride thrown in, depending on Your accomodation!
This is the reason we can not calculate prices with this ticked included.

Can I use Zell am See SUMMER CARD?

While we don't provide discounts with this card, it's your golden ticket for free of charge cable car access!

Am I insured during the flight?

Absolutely, insurance coverage is guaranteed! Prior to the flight, each passenger receives a ticket to complete. Once signed, your insurance coverage is activated according to the agreed-upon terms.

Can I use my phone during the flight?

While bringing your phone along for the ride is an option, be warned, gravity's always looking to make a quick catch!

We strongly suggest soaking up every second of the adventure, as these moments are pure gold.

And fear not, our pilots are masters of the skies and will snap some jaw-dropping photos and videos for you! :)

Can I use my action camera?

We permit the use of personal action cameras solely when securely attached to a chest strap. However, helmet mounts or any form of selfie sticks are strictly prohibited due to safety concerns.

How much time do I need for the whole experience?

The entire experience lasts around 1.5 hours from the scheduled meeting time to its conclusion.

Can more people fly at the same time?

Absolutely! It's a party in the clouds with room for 2 or 3 amigos to soar side by side.

Just a friendly reminder though - it's one passenger per pilot, so no need to worry about sharing the skies!

Is it good to book in advance?

Booking your tandem paragliding flight in advance ensures you've got a spot among the clouds.
Otherwise, you might find yourself earthbound while others steal the show above!

How paragliding adventure look like - step by step

Total Duration: The entire trip lasts around 1-1.5 hours. We advise reserving enough time for the experience and arriving at least 15 minutes before your scheduled time to ensure you have ample time to find a parking spot.

  • Meeting Point: Schmittenstrasse 199, Zell am See - bottom station Schmittenhohebahn.
  • Welcome: Short, friendly greeting, ensuring passengers have all necessary items.
  • Cable Car Ride: Travel up to the takeoff area, complete tickets (which also serve as insurance).
  • Introduction: Explanation of the takeoff procedure.
  • Flight Experience: According to booking details with options to upgrade, downgrade, or add extras.
  • Smooth Landing: Easy landing by lifting legs for a soft slide on grass.
    Harness equipped with an airbag for cushioning.
    In suitable landing conditions, passengers can try a stylish landing on their feet (pilot will explain everything before landing).
  • Post-Flight:Sharing emotions and chatting.
    Packing up paragliding gear.
  • Shuttle Back:Shuttle ride back to the meeting point.
    Option to copy pictures and videos to phones.
    Friendly chat with all pilots and payment.
  • End of Adventure:Ends at the meeting point.
    Opportunity to meet new guests and share experiences.

Note for Accompanying Persons: If there are any accompanying persons who are not flying but want to watch, we recommend they go to the landing area. From there, they can see more, and as a lighthearted comparison, it's like at the airport—greeting someone upon arrival is much more enjoyable than saying goodbye before departure!

About us


Years of experience


Happy passengers

With over 20 years of experience in paragliding, we are not just pilots
- we are passionate enthusiasts dedicated to sharing the thrill of flight with adventurers like you.

At our core, we prioritize more than just flying; we prioritize the entire experience.

From ensuring a warm and welcoming atmosphere to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and safety, we go above and beyond to make every flight unforgettable.

With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, we guide each journey with precision and care, allowing you to soar with confidence and peace of mind. Trust in our seasoned team to provide you with an experience that exceeds your expectations, leaving you with memories to last a lifetime.

SKY-MANIA, Tandem paragliding

5700 Zell am See, Austria

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